Organizational Change Office Hours

A free virtual strategy session for leaders of purpose-driven companies and nonprofits to learn how to create and navigate organizational change

May 16th
1:00 PM EST
on Zoom

Teams have faced incredible obstacles over the past few years. They are doing their best to keep driving business forward, but new technology, turnover, navigating remote and hybrid work, and a host of other hurdles have made creating and navigating organizational change more difficult than ever.

At our organizational change office hours, leaders of purpose-driven companies and nonprofits have the space and opportunity to:

  • assess how their organizations stack up when it comes to navigating change

  • start to create a roadmap for how they can create more effective, inclusive, and engaging strategies that result in more sustainable, impactful change

  • ask their burning questions about navigating change so that they can design people-centered strategies and build restorative cultures